Monday, March 23, 2015

Understanding Degenerative Disease

Unless mutated, DNA is perfect and cells continuously strive to reach that perfection.  Life processes follow the DNA blueprint from the moment of conception, but cellular vitality and immune systems are determined by continuously exposed toxic agents.

Acids and Free Radicals

Free radicals and acids have virtually the same effect on the body. Free radicals are atoms or molecules (groups of atoms bound together by shared electrons) which have lost electrons and have unpaired electrons in their outermost orbits or shells, and which, while in that unbalanced state, are seeking to gain electrons from another source in order to become stable.
Acids contain positively charged hydrogen ions (protons), while free radicals can be positively charged ions of any element or molecule, (although not all positively charged ions are free radicals.) Free radicals are defined as both unstable and positively charged.

For example, the ion of calcium is positively charged (Ca++), but the outer shell is composed of 8 electrons with no unpaired electrons, so the ion is stable and not looking to replace electrons and therefore not a free radical.

The positively charged oxygen radical is called Super-Oxide. It is the most plentiful, aggressive and damaging free radical of them all. "Antioxidant" is the term that was originally coined to name a substance that can neutralize the oxygen radical, although the term is used to indicate any substance that can neutralize any free radical.

Most commonly free radical damage occurs near the DNA of the cells. Once an electron is taken from an atom or molecule, that formerly stable atom or molecule is now a positively charged free radical, which in turn will be compelled to neutralize itself by taking electrons from another stable atom or molecule.

The free radical/acidosis process repeats as a chain reaction which, if not stopped, will eventually result in the death of the body (acidosis is the term for the condition in which your body's fluids are acidic).

The damage that occurs from free radicals/acidosis is due to the fact that whenever an atom or molecule is split apart, energy is released. This is the same principle our body uses to produce energy from the breakdown, or splitting of the molecules in the food we eat, but that is done in a controlled way within the mitochondria of the cell, and the energy released is channeled for use by the body. But the energy released when electrons are torn from atoms and molecules due to acids or free radicals produces tiny, uncontrolled atomic explosions which damage or kill cells. If the cells live they will mutate, and when the mutated cells replicate themselves, the daughter cells will have the same genetic defects as the mother cells - a process that leads to cancer and other degenerative diseases.

One can see the damage done by acidosis in a live blood cell analysis under a microscope. Red blood corpuscles, normally round, after free radical damage, look like cookies with big bites taken out of them. This is called poikilocytosis.
Damage associated with acids does not come only from direct attack on cells.
When the body fluids become acidic, oxygen carrying blood is severely compromised and this is disastrous because every cell of the body needs abundant oxygen continually.

Oxygen deficiency

The primary cause of disease is oxygen deficiency, which is brought about by other causes such as acidosis, which is brought about by free radical damage which is allowed by diets deficient in anti-oxidants.

The ultimate cause of disease is nutritional deficiency.

When nutrition is consistently and correctly applied, all functions will fall into place. Acids, free radicals, bad bacteria, viruses, yeasts, and funguses will be neutralized, oxygen and other essential nutrients will be provided to the cells in due measure, and wastes will be eliminated effectively.

A heart attack is due to heart muscle cells deprivation of oxygen and can no longer function.

The same continuous oxygen requirement applies to every single cell in every single organ, gland, muscle, nerve, and bone in our bodies. You can go without food for months. You can go without water for days, but no matter how healthy you are, if you stop breathing for several minutes, you die.  That is exactly what happens with acidosis, except it happens slowly over an extended period of time.

The deficiency of oxygen caused by an acidic environment combined with the direct damage due to the acids causes degeneration that will continue to get worse until it kills you... unless you make the changes necessary to correct the condition.

Credit to Mark Hathaway

Lymphatic Drainage Technique by Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt

Inhalants, dust, aluminum, mercury, lead, and other toxins have their first contact in the nose; they get absorbed into the lymphatic system and plug up the route down. Metabolic waste from the brain are a problem when brain is dealing with chronic infections and metals and blood-brain barrier is not functioning properly; brain can only detox through lymphatics or down cranial nerves. In some cases, you can swab mercury from the tonsils when you are detoxifying the brain. Clearing the lymphatics allows for more constant stream of toxins to move out of the brain.

There is a significant group of lymph nodes that are under the mandible and near the anterior SCM. The trick is to work against the direction that the lymph flow goes; there are valves that should only open one way. They are open and leaky. Push against the leaky valves and moving forth and back. Work against the direction of the stream and then with the stream. You start with the thumb at the back of the jaw and push outward against the mandible nailing the lymph chain against the bone; strong pressure working your way forward to the chin. You feel deep and up and outward; do 2-3 days in a row and it no longer hurts. Then you use mostly the middle finger in front of the anterior SCM with the head slightly bent to the side your hand is on to relax the tissues; press the lymphatic chain against the vertebrae; under the fingers are the lymphatics and the nerve fibers. You first work upstream for a few rounds staying on the painful parts; doing some massaging in circles; and then working downstream. Do each side separately. No more than 3 minutes per day; powerful brain clearing technique that is resulting in things they have never seen before. This technique has worked on every migraine patient and the cure seems to be permanent. You see a freshening of the brain.

After you have done it enough that the pain goes down, check daily and only do the procedure when it is painful again. Thyroid function can improve and some may become hyperthyroid or need less thyroid medication. Everybody who breathes in toxins has stuck systems. Cavitations in the teeth heal spontaneously; CCSVI becomes a non-issue. Rizol Gamma can be helpful to massage into the area; sometimes cilantro. It is a powerful technique that really changes lives.
When doing it on someone else, feel the tissue and watch the pain response. It is painful when you have infections or toxins initially, but it only lasts a few days.'

Notes courtesy of
Video Demonstration:
More Notes from the Summit:
Learn how to THRiiiVE:

Mineral assimilation is affected by pH

Minerals have different pH levels at which they can be assimilated into the body. Minerals on the lower end of the atomic scale can be assimilated in a wider pH range, and minerals higher up on the scale require a narrower and narrower pH range in order to be assimilated by the body.

It narrows somewhat for Calcium and Potassium
Narrows more for manganese and iron
More for zinc and copper
More for iodine

For example, sodium and magnesium have wide pH assimilation ranges.
Iodine, which is high up on the atomic scale, requires near perfect pH for its assimilation into the body.
Iodine is one of the most important minerals for proper functioning of the Thyroid, but it doesn't get access to iodine unless the body pH is near perfect.

Perfect total body pH = 6.4

How to calculate body pH: ((2xSaliva pH) + Urine pH)/3

This work comes courtesy of Dr. Carey Reams (Reams Biological Theory of Ionization), an absolute genius with fluid dynamics.