Monday, March 23, 2015

Lymphatic Drainage Technique by Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt

Inhalants, dust, aluminum, mercury, lead, and other toxins have their first contact in the nose; they get absorbed into the lymphatic system and plug up the route down. Metabolic waste from the brain are a problem when brain is dealing with chronic infections and metals and blood-brain barrier is not functioning properly; brain can only detox through lymphatics or down cranial nerves. In some cases, you can swab mercury from the tonsils when you are detoxifying the brain. Clearing the lymphatics allows for more constant stream of toxins to move out of the brain.

There is a significant group of lymph nodes that are under the mandible and near the anterior SCM. The trick is to work against the direction that the lymph flow goes; there are valves that should only open one way. They are open and leaky. Push against the leaky valves and moving forth and back. Work against the direction of the stream and then with the stream. You start with the thumb at the back of the jaw and push outward against the mandible nailing the lymph chain against the bone; strong pressure working your way forward to the chin. You feel deep and up and outward; do 2-3 days in a row and it no longer hurts. Then you use mostly the middle finger in front of the anterior SCM with the head slightly bent to the side your hand is on to relax the tissues; press the lymphatic chain against the vertebrae; under the fingers are the lymphatics and the nerve fibers. You first work upstream for a few rounds staying on the painful parts; doing some massaging in circles; and then working downstream. Do each side separately. No more than 3 minutes per day; powerful brain clearing technique that is resulting in things they have never seen before. This technique has worked on every migraine patient and the cure seems to be permanent. You see a freshening of the brain.

After you have done it enough that the pain goes down, check daily and only do the procedure when it is painful again. Thyroid function can improve and some may become hyperthyroid or need less thyroid medication. Everybody who breathes in toxins has stuck systems. Cavitations in the teeth heal spontaneously; CCSVI becomes a non-issue. Rizol Gamma can be helpful to massage into the area; sometimes cilantro. It is a powerful technique that really changes lives.
When doing it on someone else, feel the tissue and watch the pain response. It is painful when you have infections or toxins initially, but it only lasts a few days.'

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